Liv 52 DS Active Ingredients (Composition Per Tablet):
- Capers / Himsra (Capparis spinosa) 130mg
- Wild chicory / Kasani (Cichorium intybus) 130mg
- Ferric Oxide Calx / Mandur Bhasma 66mg
- Black Nightshade / Kakamachi (Solanum nigrum) 64mg
- Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) 64mg
- Negro coffee / Kasamarda (Cassia occidentalis) 32mg
- Yarrow / Biranjasipha (Achillea millefolium) 32mg
- Tamarisk / Jhavuka (Tamarix gallica ) 32mg
Processed in Bhringaraja,Bhumyaamlaki, Punarnava, Guduchi, Daruharidra, Mulaka, Amalaki, Chitraka,Vidanga,Haritaki & Parpata.
Liv 52 DS Packaging
60 Tablets per bottle
Liv 52 DS Dosage
1 tablet to be taken three times daily or as prescribed by your physician.
To be taken with water after meals.
Table of Contents
Liv.52 DS Side Effects
There are no known side effects when Liv 52 is taken as per the prescribed dosage.
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Liv.52 DS Drug Interactions
There are no known drug interactions for Liv 52 when taken as per the prescribed dosage.
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Liv52 DS / Livercare from Himalaya Herbals
Liv52 / LiverCare is from the renowned Himalaya Herbals brand endorsed by over 250,000 doctors worldwide and used by customers in over 60 countries. Liv-52 was introduced in 1955 by Himalaya Herbal Healthcare. Since then, it has been sold worldwide and is recognized by thousands of health professionals as one of the most effective liver formulas, with beneficial effects reported in over 300 studies.
Himalaya Herbals products have been researched clinically and standardized to guarantee bioequivalence. Bioequivalence refers to ensuring that the product on the market is equivalent to the one on which clinical trials were successfully conducted. Himalaya Herbal Healthcare uses chromatographic fingerprinting, one of the most sophisticated standardization techniques, to ensure consistent quality and performance
Table of Contents
Liv52 DS / Livercare Research
The benefits of Liv 52 for maintaining a healthy liver have been clinically researched and documented in various scientific and medical journals.
"Healing Hepatitis Naturally"
In the publication "Healing Hepatitis Naturally" Liv.52 has been given wide coverage. In this book US health experts focus on natural therapies for hepatitis treatment.
ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs
Liv 52 has also been given prominent place in the American Botanical Council Clinical Guide to Herbs
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What is the difference between Liv 52 and Liv 52 DS?
Liv 52 DS stands for Liv 52 Double Strength. The ingredients in each tablet of Liv 52 are doubled in Liv 52 DS.
However the number of tablets per bottle of Liv 52 is 100 whereas Liv 52 DS contains 60 tablets.
Difference between Liv.52 and Liv.52 DS (Infographic)
We sell
Liv 52 tablets as well.
References & Information on Liv52 obtained from:
Himalaya Herbals Company
Liv.52 regulates ethanol induced PPARgamma and TNF alpha expression in HepG2 cells.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2008 May 1.
Mitra SK, Varma SR, Godavarthi A, Nandakumar KS.
Hepatoprotective effects of Liv-52 on ethanol induced liver damage in rats.
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 1999 Aug;37(8):762-6. Department of Biochemistry, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India.
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