What is Tendonitis?
Tendons are sheaths of tough, fibrous tissue that connect the muscles to the bones. When muscles contract to pull bones and produce movements, tendons glide and transmit the muscular force to the bones. When tendons become inflamed and the smooth gliding motion is disrupted it is known as tendonitis. Tendonitis causes pain when muscles contract making movements difficult.
Who can get affected by tendonitis?
Tendonitis can affect men and women of all ages. Tendonitis can be caused by injury or due to age when tendons tend to lose elasticity.
What are the symptoms of tendonitis?
- Pain when tendons are under pressure such as performing any kind of manual task.
- Difficulty in movement
- As tendonitis progresses, pain will occur even when tendons are not under pressure and even when the area is simply moved or touched
- A hot, burning feeling around the affected area
- Inflamed tendons may become visible and the area will appear red and swollen
What causes tendonitis?
- The most common cause of tendonitis is repetitive movement. Repeated movements of joints such as the hand, elbow and shoulder causes strain.
- With age, tendons lose their flexibility and become harder prevented free movement of joints.
- Excessive exercise or exercising without warming up can put extreme strain on tendons. Bodybuilders and athletes often suffer from this.
- Tendonitis can sometimes develop as a result of an injury that has not heeled.
- Diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis can also cause tendonitis to develop - generally if extreme strain is put on a joint.
- Outdoor activitis such as rock climbing and hiking can cause thermal injury which in rare cases may lead to tendonitis.
- Sometimes the anatomical structure of a joint may cause a tendon to become inflamed. In such cases, surgery may be needed.