What is menopause?
Menopause is simply the end of menstruation. It is also referred to as the period before and after a woman's final menstrual cycle also known as peri-menopause and post-menopause.
Menopause generally occurs when a woman reaches 50 years of age. It can also occur as early as when she is 40 and as late as when she is 60. The age at which menopause occurs depends on hereditary issues among other factors. It has been found that women generally reach menopause at around the same age as their mothers.
What causes menopause?
Generally when a woman reaches her 40's, her ovarian functions slow down. They cease production of eggs and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones play a important role in the reproductive system and cause changes in the body with the most significant one being the end of the monthly menstrual cycles. Decreased estrogen levels are also said to be the cause of the various symptoms of menopause.
What are the symptoms of menopause?
Not everyone experiences menopause symptoms. For some women these symptoms may be more strong than others
Hot flashes which includes sudden heating and reddening of the face, neck and upper back accompanied by sweating. Hot flashes generally last a few minutes.
Night sweats which can cause sleep disruption and insomnia
Anxiety, nervousness, panic attacks
Irritability, depression
Weight loss
Tiredness and loss of interest
Need to urinate frequently especially at night
Pain during intercourse on account of thin vaginal tissues and dryness
If there is any bleeding after menopause, you should get checked by a doctor since it could be a sign of uterine cancer among other possibilities.