High blood pressure can be lowered naturally with diet changes, exercise, home remedies and herbs. If you are already on blood pressure medication you should not stop taking it suddenly but should try and slowly wean yourself off it in consultation with your doctor.
- Diet changes include reduction in salt and reduction of fried, oily and fatty foods. You would need to track the amount of salt you use in food cooked at home as well as processed foods. It is best to completely avoid processed foods as these contain high levels of sodium.
- Exercising on a daily basis greatly helps to lower blood pressure. If due to other health conditions you are unable to engage in vigorous activity, even slow stretches of the arms and legs as in yoga or tai-chi will help.
- It is also very helpful to do breathing exercises where you breathe deeply and slowly. Relaxation and letting go of stress are important for lowering blood pressure.
- Crush 2 cloves of garlic and swallow with water every morning.
- Take a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar by itself or with water.
- Include omega-3 fatty acids in your food which can be in various forms like walnuts, flaxseed, fish or fish oil capsules.
- Arjuna is a herb that supports heart health, normal blood circulation and blood pressure.
- Ashwagandha herb helps to lower blood pressure, inflammation and stress.
- Herbal blends like Abana contain several herbs and minerals that work synergistically to lower blood pressure and maintain heart health.
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Natural Methods to control hypertension / high blood pressure
Hypertension may show no symptoms. Lifestyle changes can control it
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