What is attention deficit disorder (ADD)?
Attention deficit disorder is characterized by difficulty in paying attention or focussing. ADD is recognized as one of the most common childhood developmental problems which affects almost 20% of schoolchildren. Boys are more susceptible than girls and symptoms may persist into adulthood.
Since there are so many symptoms of development issues, ADD may often be misdiagnosed. Some symptoms may be normal at one age and not at another. A child can show symptoms of attention deficit disorder in early childhood including infancy. These may be undiagnosed until schoolwork makes it apparent.
What are the different forms of attention deficit disorder (ADD)?
Almost all attention deficit disorder children have normal or high intelligence. Their activity levels can be normal, lower than normal (hypoactivity) or higher than normal (hyperactivity). Hyperactive ADD is referred to as ADHD or attention deficity hyperactivity disorder.
It is also possible for ADD children to have a learning disability that prevents them from processing information the way other children do.